From small beginnings
Growing up in a town in Hertfordshire, Cathy discovered a passion for baking at a very young age. At just 11 years old, Cathy’s parents Francis and Joy, took Cathy along with her siblings to a car boot sale one Sunday afternoon and gave each child £2 to purchase what they desired. Amidst all of the toys and memorabilia around, Cathy was drawn to a cookbook and it was this cookbook that set off her passion for life, baking.
Cathy’s first attempt at making a cake resembled a sweet flat bread, as baking powder was unintentionally missed from the recipe. However this did not discourage Cathy and through continuous practice and through using her siblings as guinea pigs. A strong passion developed and talent became evident as Cathy was soon making cakes for every occasion for family and friends.
It was after the birth of her first daughter and whilst on maternity leave, that Cathy rekindled her love of baking, after many years of absence whilst at university. A passion that her husband Shami was happy to appreciate again.
Drawing on a range of techniques self taught over the years, Cathy along with her team have created a unique brand of cupcakes, biscuits and confectionery for you to enjoy and discover.